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Gadget Car Triacontathlon, or GCT for short, was a series created by Doc671, in which 26 competitors competed in 30 events to win the Gadget Car.


Elimination table[]

Gadget Car Triacontathlon Elimination chart
Place Name Day number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16+
1ST Shadow 5th 8th 5th LOSE 9th 10th 22nd 14th 7th 10th 20th 16th MID (2) 3RD 12th 11th 12th 4th 7th 10th 9th 9th 12th 4th 5th WIN 7th 6th 3RD 3RD 2ND 1ST TBA
2ND Yellow 17th 12th 18th WIN 4th 5th 6th 6th 4th 2ND 16th 8th WIN 7th 1ST 5th 2ND 13th 8th WIN 1ST 8th 2ND 11th 7th WIN 2ND 2ND 4th 1ST 5th 2ND
3RD Olive 3RD 5th 3RD LOSE 11th 6th 16th 10th 10th 11th 6th 10th WIN 10th 2ND 13th 8th 8th 9th 4th 4th 13th 11th WIN 4th LOSE WIN 1ST 11th 6th 3RD 3RD
4th Silver 15th 20th 22nd WIN 7th 14th 11th 13th 9th 14th 19th 17th WIN 20th 15th 16th RISK (18) 2ND 6th 3RD 2ND 10th 6th 8th 6th WIN 3RD 4th 5th 5th 4th 4th
5th Red 14th 7th 10th WIN 12th 12th 3RD 3RD 5th 1ST 17th 9th MID (2) 5th 9th 4th 4th 6th 5th 13th 10th 4th 4th 9th 9th WIN 10th 9th 12th 11th WIN 5th
6th Orange 9th 21st 17th WIN 19th 18th 9th 15th 15th 19th 13th RISK (20) MID (1) WIN 4th 8th 5th 5th 4th 17th 13th 5th 8th 7th 8th WIN 11th 10th WIN 4th 7th 6th
7th Magenta 12th 6th 8th WIN 8th 7th 5th 4th 19th 8th WIN 2ND LOSE 4th 5th 17th 11th 12th 15th 15th RISK (16) WIN 5th 3RD 3RD LOSE 6th 5th 2ND 2ND 13th 7th
8th Lime 4th 15th 9th WIN WIN 1ST 2ND 1ST 18th 3RD 2ND 1ST MID (2) 11th 7th 10th 9th 11th 11th 2ND 3RD 2ND 1ST 5th 2ND LOSE 4th 3RD 9th 7th 11th 8th
9th Cyan RISK (25) 4th 7th WIN 18th 15th 19th 18th 2ND 5th 12th 11th MID (2) 17th 17th 7th 14th WIN 3RD 12th 7th 3RD 3RD 2ND 1ST LOSE 14th 7th 8th 8th 9th 9th
10th Maroon 16th 2ND 4th LOSE 17th 13th 21st 19th WIN 4th 9th 5th WIN 13th 3RD 19th 10th 7th 10th 9th 12th 7th 9th 6th 10th WIN 9th 8th 13th RISK (12) 6th 10th
11th Brown 8th 25th 16th LOSE 2ND 3RD 4th 2ND 20th 7th 7th 7th MID (1) 18th 14th WIN 3RD 3RD 1ST 16th 6th 6th 7th 15th 11th WIN 8th 11th 10th 10th 8th 11th
12th Rose 22nd 9th 12th WIN 3RD 4th 23rd 12th 8th 15th 3RD 3RD LOSE 2ND 6th 2ND 1ST 9th 2ND 8th 5th 12th 10th 12th 12th LOSE 5th 12th 7th 9th 12th RISK (12)
13th Blue 19th 11th 15th WIN 23rd 19th 10th 17th 3RD 6th 14th 12th MID (1) 15th 16th 3RD 6th 16th 12th 7th 11th 11th 13th 10th 13th LOSE 13th RISK (13) 6th LAST (13) 10th OUT P.E.
14th Navy 7th 18th 13th LOSE 24th 20th WIN 5th 22nd 9th 4th 4th MID (1) 14th 8th 6th 7th 18th 14th 5th 8th 16th 14th 13th RISK (14) LOSE 12th OUT Permanently eliminated
15th Violet 2ND 3RD 1ST LOSE 10th 2ND 15th 9th 17th 18th 8th 13th MID (1) 8th 10th 14th 13th 17th 13th 11th 15th 14th RISK (13) 14th OUT Permanently eliminated
16th Pink 24th 10th 14th WIN 5th 8th 13th 11th 11th 16th 21st 18th MID (2) 9th 18th 9th 17th 10th 16th 6th 14th 15th OUT Permanently eliminated
17th Lavender 6th 13th 11th WIN 15th 17th 17th 20th 12th 20th 10th 15th WIN 16th 13th 15th 15th 14th RISK (17) 14th OUT Permanently eliminated
18th Sky 18th 16th 21st WIN 6th 11th 7th 8th 13th 12th 5th 6th MID (2) 6th 11th 18th 16th 15th OUT Permanently eliminated
19th Grey 11th 19th 19th LOSE 22nd 21st 12th 21st 6th 17th 18th 19th LOSE 12th RISK (19) 12th OUT Permanently eliminated
20th Tan 10th WIN 2ND LOSE 14th 9th 8th 7th 14th 13th 11th 14th LOSE 19th OUT Permanently eliminated
21st Green WIN 14th 6th LOSE 13th 15th 14th 16th 21st RISK (21) 15th OUT Permanently eliminated
22nd Raspberry 13th 24th 20th LOSE 21st RISK (23) 18th RISK (22) 16th OUT Permanently eliminated
23rd Black 20th 22nd RISK (24) LOSE 16th 22nd 20th OUT Permanently eliminated
24th Indigo 21st 17th 23rd LOSE 20th OUT Permanently eliminated
25th Purple 23rd 23rd OUT Permanently eliminated
26th White OUT Permanently eliminated


  1. Race to the Bowl
  2. BMX Cycling
  3. Marble Race
  4. Dodge-Sword
  5. Lava Escape
  6. Ice Skating
  7. Relay Race
  8. Sandstorm Driving
  9. Volcano Breakout
  10. Hydroball
  11. Tree Flying
  12. Castle Siege
  13. Desk Wars
  14. Pheesh Catching
  15. City Hoverboarding


According to an email by Algoryx, Algodoo might be updated to 64-bit. If that will happen, Doc might revive GCT and PMR if the scripting is sufficient.[1]


  • GCT was the second-oldest series on the Doc671 channel, after Portal Marble Race - Season 1.
  • GCT appeared to be Doc671's flagship series, as most of the main characters of his channel were in the Final 13.


  1. Email text: "Hi,
    Yes, we are working on an updated version of Algodoo. The first version is a compatibility update (64-bit on Windows and support for Apple Silicon on Mac, as well as some minor fixes to iPad). After that we do not know yet, since that depends on the response on the update.
    We have planned to reach out to both the Discord communities and the Algodoo Reddit community when we are closer to a beta, but I will add you to the list right away!
    The release date of the beta is very uncertain at the moment, since Algodoo is using a lot of libraries that must be updated behind the scenes and that forces us to make other changes within the app (most are not even visible to the user).
    Those documents look very nice! Great work :)"
    Link: (check reply to the pinned comment)

Gadget Car Triacontathlon (template)

